This is the current rainfall radar for Great Britain and Ireland.
OK, Jack has asked me to say a bit about my new job. He assures me that lots of people are interested. Well, you are, aren't you?
I work for a company called Garrad Hassan and Partners. We are wind turbine design consultants. We have been in the business since 1984, well before wind turbines were fashionable and, so I am told, we are the very best there is in design consultancy when it comes to wind turbines.
We cover every aspect of wind turbine design; from site selection, wind modelling and power output prediction for a given site, right through mechanical design of the turbines and the towers, electrical design and component selection, to controller design and integration, factory test support, prototype tower commisioning, Human Machine Interface (HMI) design and so on.
So what's it like to be a raving greeny? Actually, the people who work for GH are an interesting mix. Some are in the business because they believe they are making the world a better place and want to see the end of fossil fuels and nuclear power; some are there because wind turbines present some very interesting problems in engineering; some are there because it's a job that pays the bills. Most, I suspect, are a mixture of all three, including me.
We work in a fantastic old building called St Vincent's Works. It is pretty much what you'd get if you crossed a factory with a fairy castle. The wikipedia page has quite a good photo. It was originally built in the 1800s some time, and was mostly concerned with the manufacture of corrugated iron for export to Australia; apparently quite a lot of the corrugated iron used in early Australian buildings came from this factory. The factory portion (which you can't see in the photo) is now derelict and held up with scaffolding; the office portion has been well-maintained and refurbished over the years. The entry foyer is an octagonal chamber with eight arched entry-ways, murals on walls and floor constructed from ceramic tiles, concealed up-lighting to highlight the nice bits, slate stairs up to the first floor and so on. Every visitor just stops and looks at it for a minute or so, and so did I when I first came in.
My particular job is in the controllers group of the software department; we are responsible for implementing control algorithms produced by our turbine design people and also developing HMIs to go with them. This presents some interesing, although hardly unique, challenges.
For starters, we never impose hardware choices on our customers. We do advise when we are asked to do so, but most customers have already decided whose hardware they want to use and we just promise to support it. Our controller needs to be very portable, then; to different hardware, differnt operating systems, different communications protocols and so on. We are constantly porting our software to new platforms, and trying to make sure we keep as much as possible in common between the platforms. Some customers even change their minds half way through the project, and we still promise to support it; it is part of the service.
It turns out that wind turbines are complex beasts, with plenty of potential to go badly wrong, and it is our responsibility to make sure we never get into those situations and that everything goes right. How bad can it be? Have a look at this; this is what happens when a turbine goes wrong. This condition is known as overspeed, and is about the worst thing that can happen to a turbine. It is both expensive and extremely dangerous. The description on that page is not quite accurate; I think the story is that a maintenance crew had disabled the controller's overspeed protection for maintenance purposes when the wind came up unexpectedly, and a couple of other overspeed protection systems failed. Don't quote me on that, though. Thankfully, the crew had time to get out.
My particular responsibilities are basically the messy bits of controller implementation; I don't know a lot about how controllers work, but I am responsible for making them (and their HMIs) work on every platform any customer asks us for. So far my work has been mostly behind-the-scenes, preparing some abstractions to make this a lot easier in future.
So there you are; that's what I do all day. It is interesting and entertaining. I am also walking four miles each day to get to the train, from the train to work and back again. At first this was a bit of a drag, but now I am finding I quite enjoy it. I feel a lot fitter than I have in a long time. Occasionally I take the bus from the end of our street instead; when I get to work, I feel like I have missed out and it leaves me feeling edgy and disquieted. Besides, with the dreadful traffic we have here, it is quicker to walk one and a quarter miles to the train and take the train than to walk a hundred yards to the bus and take the bus. Sigh. We will see how I go in winter, when the sun comes up after I get to work and goes down before I leave.